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Entrepreneurs for a Sustainable Planet: BLOG

The objective of the "Entrepreneurs for a Sustainable Planet" (EFASP) Blog is to develop a charter of profitable, ethical, and sustainable business practices.


The primary goal of the Blog is to open a discussion of policies and practices that create framework conditions for the small business contribution to the sustainable development initiative. Periodically, contributions will be updated to the "Entrepreneurs for a Better World" charter of business practices (see for background information).

READ postings. Terms of Use

Current Charter of Business Practices

EBWO 2007.01.19
"Convictions and principles are the cornerstones of good business."

Business Practices
Business Practices
Business Practices

To innovate existing products and services.

To create satisfied customers that return for repeat business.

To commit to providing excellent customer service.

To nurture long-term relationships with customers, clients, and employees.

To pay employees fairly and reward innovation and diligence.

To include customers, clients, and employees in the decision making processes.

To respect the ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds of customers, clients, and employees.

To protect the privacy of customer, client, and employee financial and personal information.

To treat customers, clients, and employees honestly, with no misleading claims, and no promises that you are not able to keep.

To create an atmosphere that promotes ethical behavior and encourages employees to ask questions and raise concerns.

To establish markets, not exploit them.

To eliminate exploitative working conditions and uphold basic labor rights.

To replace non-renewable energy sources with renewable energy sources.

To address labour and environmental standards amongst all supply chains of a business including developing countries such as China and India.

Posting to the EFASP Blog

To contribute content to the EFASP Blog, users can:

  1. Add a new objective to either of the three categories of profitable, ethical, and sustainable business practices.
  2. Suggest changes in the wording of an existing objective.
  3. Comment on the EBWO Charter as a whole.
  4. Provide ideas, links, and resources for entrepreneurs interested in sustainable development or social entrepreneurship.

NOTE: Content that does not fit into the above categories may be moderated or removed under the discretion of the blog monitor. Basic HTML tags are allowed.

Blog Postings

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Terms of Use

By posting a blog entry, the writer specifically agrees to all terms of use contained herein and agrees to exercise GOOD JUDGMENT and COMMON SENSE. EFASP reserves all rights with respect to this blogging site, including the refusal to post content, the removal of content, and other actions as necessary. EFASP also reserves the right to change, at any time, at our sole discretion, the "Terms of Use" of this blog. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms.

  1. Respect your audience. Do not use personal insults, obscenity, slurs of speech, etc. and show proper consideration for the privacy of others.
  2. Properly cite other bloggers. Successful bloggers pay attention to what others are saying about a topic and generously reference and link to them when appropriate.
  3. Do not initiate or participate in fights. A blog is a public forum and not an appropriate location to air personal differences with others.
  4. Try to add value to a discussion by providing worthwhile information and perspective. Know your subject and provide a reasoned basis for your opinion.
  5. Blog entries are the responsibility of the individual who makes the posting. The writer is solely responsible for his/her content and any actions or claims made as a result of the writer’s posting.
  6. Blog Content: By posting any Content to the EFASP Blog, you hereby grant to the non-exclusive, fully paid and royalty-free, worldwide license to use, copy, sublicense, adapt, transmit, translate, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, and translate such Content.
  7. Misuse: If you become aware of misuse of this Blog by any person, please contact the Site Administrator with your concerns.
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